Wednesday, October 15, 2008

2 Month Check Up

On Monday, Maddox had his 2 month check up with Dr. James. I was very nervous because I knew he would be getting 4 shots and Donnie was going to handle this all on his own. But, turns out that Maddox was a big boy and cried just a few seconds. He got lucky and only had to get stuck twice...they have combined 3 of the vaccines into 1 so that was a plus. He did, however, have a bad evening and was still feeling bad the next day at Miss Pam's. But she took great care of him...we just love her!!!
Anyway here are his latest stats:
weight 11.4 lbs - 50%
head 40 cm - 50%
length 22 1/2 - 30%...gonna be tall like his daddy..LOL

Here are a few of his latest photos.


Lindsey said...

Kelly, he is just so very cute!!! And I can see Donnie all over that little smerk too :)

Anonymous said...

He is just growing and changing each time I see him! It hasn't even been that long. Glad he did well at the doc.

Owings Family said...

LOL!! Tall.. too funny! Can't wait to see him in person. Maybe this weekend while the boys are at the ballgame?

Casey said...

Glad he did well at the doctor! I always hate shot day!! He looks so much like Donnie!